Radha Krueger
April 21, 2021

screen shot of a tweet about the movie Magic Mike grossing $167 million and women not liking dad bod with a counter tweet pointing out Shrek grossed 484 million

Jesse: My gf has nicknamed me “moo Ouan” which translates to fat pig…I’ve tried to explain this is not a term of endearment but she disagrees. I’m glad she thinks it’s cute because I sure don’t 😆🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Matthew: That’s very brave of you to share that tidbit with this crew, fatty-fatty-oink-oink.

Jesse: Matthew, I’ve come to terms with it. I tried to put an end to it for a couple years now. 🤷‍♂️ Also it can only be said in thai, otherwise you’re just being a jerk 😆

Amy: Women like men who are honest, emotionally available, embrace the masculine and feminine in themselves, and working on their shit. While it’s a bonus if they have six pack abs (for some), if that’s you, I’m gonna love the skin you’re in. Even if it’s green.

Radha Krueger: Amy, we just legit had this conversation. I’m not looking for dick. I want someone to hang out with, send memes to, and make out with. So many guys our age have the relationship goals of a chihuahuas humping a couch pillow. Eeewww. Act like a human being and treat me like a human being — that actually kind of works.

Amy: Radha Krueger, yeah like : Guys. do you have ANY idea how easy dick is to come by. I pretty much have to hold an umbrella over my head to shield myself from the deluge of phallus. It’s not special. Do you have nothing else to offer?

Radha Krueger
April 21, 2021

I seriously underestimated how much garlic I would need this week.

Radha Krueger
April 21, 2021

I am carl. But maybe peter.

a meme asking which frog are you and showing six frogs with names and qualities from peter who eats pizza to soups who is an imposter